Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Career Assessment

Today was a 2-1/2 hour long Career Assessment webinar. As part of our prerequisite, we filled out a Birkman First Look assessment survey.

According to the survey:

My interests are creative activities. As I explained to the presenter, I liked my job of web development up until it became less creative. When I first started I had more autonomy in designing the websites and newsletters. But then we got bought by Mellon Corp., and I had to follow very strict guidelines set by corporate headquarters. It got to the point where I was merely updating code and not doing anything creative.

My usual style is reflective and creative. That also suits me quite well, I believe.

My ideal environment is that I respond best to people who are reflective and systematic. I need time for complex decisions and I like time alone. For about the last 10 years of my career, my manager was in a different city than me - for a few years, even a different country. So, I got use to working very independently. I would have a hard time working for someone who was constantly looking over my shoulder. I'm an adult and I can be trusted to complete a task as required.

My stress behavior shows that I become indecisive and fatigued, self-critical and moody.

My areas of interest came out to be Musical, Artistic, Social Service and Literary. Sounds like me!

My job strengths are Planning and Administrating (one-on-one relationships)

So, according to the Birkman assessment, I should have a job that's creative, low-key, innovative, and people-oriented. Jobs like consulting, education, training, and creative arts.

It was very interesting and I think pretty straight on for my personality.

A website that looks interesting to check out:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Entrepeneur 101

Today I took a 90-min. "Entrepeneur 101" webinar through my career counseling service. We had 3 assessments to fill out to see if we have the characteristics of an entrepeneur. I fall just a tiny bit below the minimum. I think partly because I've never been really good about settting and writing down goals for myself. I have things in my head, but not written down. I know there's a difference in how likely you are to work for a goal when you write it down.

It gave me some things to think about - networking. business plans, getting professional assistance like attorneys and accountants.

It is something that can be done if you're willing to work for it and plan for it. We were reminded to not listen to people who say you're crazy to want to start your own business. Most likely, they have an "employee mindset" rather than an "entrepeneur mindset".

I have a list of books to read, including "Awakening the Entrpeneur Within" by Michael Gerber, and "Now, discover your strengths" by Marcus Buckingham. I also picked up "Wow! I'm in business : a crash course in business basics" by Richard Stim at the library.

Some sites to check out: (Women's Business Development Center)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Starting today...

7 weeks ago today I was 'released' from the company where I had worked for almost 20 years. I was a little sad for the ending but hopeful for the future.

What to do next?

Could I find work that I love instead of just putting in my time and living for the weekends?

As I lay awake this morning at 3am, trying to get back to sleep, I thought that starting a blog about this journey might be helpful to me.

Thanks to a very generous package, I have time to figure that out....exactly 87 weeks until I get my last paycheck. It seems like forever, but since the past 7 weeks have already gone so quickly, I'm afraid the next year and a half will fly by.

"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived."
Jean Luc Picard