Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Career Assessment

Today was a 2-1/2 hour long Career Assessment webinar. As part of our prerequisite, we filled out a Birkman First Look assessment survey.

According to the survey:

My interests are creative activities. As I explained to the presenter, I liked my job of web development up until it became less creative. When I first started I had more autonomy in designing the websites and newsletters. But then we got bought by Mellon Corp., and I had to follow very strict guidelines set by corporate headquarters. It got to the point where I was merely updating code and not doing anything creative.

My usual style is reflective and creative. That also suits me quite well, I believe.

My ideal environment is that I respond best to people who are reflective and systematic. I need time for complex decisions and I like time alone. For about the last 10 years of my career, my manager was in a different city than me - for a few years, even a different country. So, I got use to working very independently. I would have a hard time working for someone who was constantly looking over my shoulder. I'm an adult and I can be trusted to complete a task as required.

My stress behavior shows that I become indecisive and fatigued, self-critical and moody.

My areas of interest came out to be Musical, Artistic, Social Service and Literary. Sounds like me!

My job strengths are Planning and Administrating (one-on-one relationships)

So, according to the Birkman assessment, I should have a job that's creative, low-key, innovative, and people-oriented. Jobs like consulting, education, training, and creative arts.

It was very interesting and I think pretty straight on for my personality.

A website that looks interesting to check out:

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