Thursday, February 4, 2010

Encore Careers

Workers finding fulfillment in encore careers

I've never heard the term "encore career" before, but I suppose that's what I'm looking for. I tell people that the only thing I know for sure, is that I don't want to do what I was doing before.

I should have gone to college when I graduated from high school, instead of taking the easy/quick way and going to business college and becoming an "Executive Secretary" after a 1-year program. Not having that degree on my resume is going to probably keep me from a lot of job interviews, even though I have years of work experience.

I've made sure my children understand the importance of education. Two already have completed their bachelor's degrees and one is waiting to hear back from all the colleges that he sent in applications to.

I'm heading over to explore this site: Encore Careers


  1. I fully agree that a college education is extremely important, but I also believe that smart employers give a lot of credit for experience. I think your years of experience being a valuble employee will serve you well!

  2. I'm also looking for an encore career. Maybe we could go into business together? ;)
